Scoreland Member Features

Kim Beltran in Scoreland Member Features

Kim Beltran introduces herself, looking happy to be back at SCORELAND. She’s dressed in red lingerie from head-to-toe and does a sexy strut in the bedroom. She’s busting her porn cherry on-camera with a guy and she flashes a big smile. Hi, I’m Kim, the topheavy brunette says in Spanish. Did you guys miss me? I am happy to be with you again. Do you like how my tits bounce? Look at my boobs. I’m so horny. Do you like the color of my lingerie? Red fire! Kim poses on the bed while Fernando watches her. She’s in a bouncy mood and will be for the entire scene. He gets behind her to play with her big tits. Her areolae are big and a dark cocoa color. Fernando helps Kim strip off her lingerie, leaving her high heels on. She kneels to jack and suck his dick and gets every inch down her throat. After licking Fernando’s nutsack, Kim resumes her blow job. She takes one of her boobs in her hand and taps his cock with it. Getting on her back, Kim holds her breasts together. She wants her … (Video duration: 17:11)

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