Scoreland Member Features

Dulcinea in Scoreland Member Features

What’s better than kicking back and watching a hot, big-boobed girl in a tight tank and tight jeans do some household chores? Having her go south on you, sucking her big tits and fucking her before she leaves for the day. That’s what happens when busty Dulcinea comes over to clean your place. All that bending over Angel Face does when she’s cleaning gives you a clear view of her boobs bulging over the top of her tank. Pitching a tent is unavoidable. But Dulcinea has the cure for that. SCORELAND: What do you remember best about this scene? Dulcinea: Kyle is one of the first male talents that I’ve been really attracted to. They’re all so sexy, but I was genuinely attracted to him. He’s super good-looking and in fantastic shape and…his cock! Oh my god! It was, and I’m not exaggerating, the biggest dick I have ever had! He was amazing to work with! SCORELAND: So Dulcinea, were there any things you didn’t know about sex that you learned by watching porn? Dulcinea: I’ve learned a … Big Boobs video featuring: Dulcinea, Kyle Mason. (Video duration: 18:02)

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