Scoreland Member Features

Rockell Starbux in Scoreland Member Features

So you’re driving along a lonely road when you spot her. Double wow! Is this a mirage? Are you tired and sleep-driving? A beautiful blonde dressed in a casual-sexy outfit is on the shoulder with her thumb out. She looks exactly like SCORE and Voluptuous Girl Rockell Starbux (a.k.a. Rockell). What luck! You stop and pull over. How can you help? The blonde hitcher with a big smile comes over to the passenger window. Her car’s broken down and she needs a lift. She was on her way to a photo shoot. This is too good to be true. Rockell Starbux (a.k.a. Rockell) gets in the back seat, and after some chat, you’re getting a view to a thrill in your rear view mirror. SCORELAND: Hi Rockell Starbux (a.k.a. Rockell), welcome back. What did you think of this hitcher shoot? Have you ever taken photos inside a car like this? Rockell Starbux (a.k.a. Rockell): I thought the hitcher scene was very different from anything I have ever done, honestly. I would love to know who thought of this scene and thought this would be sexy. I had a lot of fun shooting it with the crew. Jose, the photographer, … (Video duration: 15:45)

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