Scoreland Member Features

Bhiankha in Scoreland Member Features

Beautiful Bhiankha invites you to watch her as she tries on some of her sexy clothing in front of her bedroom mirror. Does Bhiankha even own clothing that’s not sexy? No. Wearing a black thong-and-bra two-piece set and standing tall in high heels, Bhiankha squeezes into a grey dress, very tight and short. Bhiankha’s next choice is a tank top and Daisy Dukes denim shorts, and with her slim body and natural breasts, it’s another winner. Bhiankha’s last seductive outfit is a black leather skirt and a white top that ties in the front. We’ve yet to meet a SCORELAND model or XLGirl from South America who doesn’t love to dress crazy-hot. Bhiankha undresses completely and rubs and grinds her bare body, tugging on her pliable boobs and incredibly long, thick nipples, pulling and stretching them. She sucks on them hard and does boob drops. Picking up a bottle of oil and pouring it on her tits and ass, Bhiankha makes her skin shine. She gets into bed and turns to show, spank and gyrate her … (Video duration: 18:12)

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