Scoreland Member Features

Desiree Deluca in Scoreland Member Features

Do guys she meets ever compliment Desiree Deluca (a.k.a. Desiree) about her blue eyes? Some don’t look that high up. They do, but I know that they are not looking at my eyes. They are always looking at my boobs. I look at their faces, but they are not staring at my eyes. It gets kind of annoying sometimes when you are trying to have a conversation and a guy is talking to your tits. Desiree Deluca (a.k.a. Desiree) weighed her tits when she was a teen. I was 16. This is kind of embarrassing. There was a scale at my house, the kind you step on and I was just curious as to how much they weighed because my back was always hurting me. So I put the scale on a table and then I laid my boobs up on top of it, and they weighed five pounds. And I was a little smaller than I am now. … (Video duration: 22:00)

Click Here for this Desiree Deluca Bigtits Redhead Masturbation Video

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